Advent Christmas & New Year program 22/23
Sunday November 27, 1 Advent at 11 a.m. Service in Swedish with Soul Children, Instrumentalists, Immanuel Nova and Vox Immanuel. Don’t be afraid, God has chosen you. at 11.00 Worship
Sunday November 27, 1 Advent at 11 a.m. Service in Swedish with Soul Children, Instrumentalists, Immanuel Nova and Vox Immanuel. Don’t be afraid, God has chosen you. at 11.00 Worship
In Musikskolan Immanuel there are several singing teachers with solid pedagogical training and experience in various genres. We offer several courses to book for spring 2023 Individual singing lessons for
Now YOU can contribute to children living in vulnerability gets a Christmas present. Swish a contribution and we will buy the Christmas presents! Swish: 123 418 32 24. Mark with
Med Vox Immanuel, Immanuel Brass, Immanuel Big Band, International Choir, Björn Gäfvert och gästartist Vincent Nilsson, trombon. Welcome
In the chapel at 18.00The music school’s flute students spread the Christmas spirit.Welcome!
December 6 at 19.00T The older stringstudents in the music schoolmaking music together.Concert in Walden Welcome!
Welcome to the Christmas concert with Adolf Fredrik’s Parents’ Choir Björn Gäfvert, Organ, Carin Wallgren, Conductor
A warm welcome to the Christmas concert with piano students from Immanuel Music School, free entry
Ticket price 120:-Student/pensioner SEK 90Children under 12 freewelcome Tickets are purchased at Tickmaster click here: Tickmaster Welcome!
AUTUMN CONSERT Don’t miss the concert next Friday, November 18 with the teenage choir K.Ö.T.T at 19.00 Welcome!