We have about 15 teachers, all with music education degrees, who teach with us. The students are given many possibilities to express their music, e.g. in our worship services, school term performances and chamber music concerts.

In the music school you can learn to play many different instruments both in groups and individually.
A few examples are:
- Piano
- Organ
- Flute
- Violin, viola, cello
- Percussion
- Guitar
- Trumpet

Learn to sing, either individually or in groups.
- Solo singing course

Baby Rhythmics
Even before birth the baby learns to recognise music and sound. The children live the music with their body and all senses. There are qualities in music that has a unique significance for the child’s development. Music reaches the child in a way that seems completely obvious, it goes “straight in”. it is as the child think “this is my language”.

Childrens Choir, 8–12 years
Small singing test required. Choir leader Anna Rosén. In collaboration with Bilda.