Sundays at 11:00
Service in Swedish
The Swedish service at 11 is characterised by its wide range of music.
Sunday service in Swedish
This Fall, We Gather Under the Theme: The Big Words. Faith, Doubt, Sin, and Grace are some of Christianity’s big words. During the fall services, we will pause to reflect on these significant words that have been part of Christianity’s history and think about what they mean to us today.
What does that complicated word really mean, the one everyone else seems to understand? Why do some words feel so uncomfortable? Which words are essential to describe my own faith? Welcome to this fall’s services!
The services will follow the texts and themes of the church year, and based on these, we have set our overarching theme: The Big Words.
The fall theme and the church year’s themes go hand in hand, but some Sundays may differ more from the church year’s theme than others.
The services are broadcast digitally here on Immanuel Church’s website, our Facebook page and our YouTube channel.
Fun For the Kids
Welcome to sing, dance, create, and listen to the Bible’s exciting stories. Every Sunday, alongside our service, there is a creative and fun program for children. All ages start together in the service, and after a while, the children are invited to join us in the chapel. All children and adults are welcome!
Starting from September 15, there will be activities for children every Sunday.
You’re also warmly invited to a Community Day at the church on Saturday, September 28, from 10 am to 4 pm. More information will be available soon.
For questions, please contact Simon Minnhagen, responsible for children & family in the Swedish ministry.
Phone: 08-587 503 12