2 Sunday in Advent. Esther Kazen, pastor. Fredrik Jonsson, music. Robin Taubert, organ.
The Message: Coming of the Lord’s Peace Isaiah 35:1-10 Matthew13:31-34 James 5:7-11 Winnieross Olofsson preaching
Welcome to "Glöggfeast" with mingel and music and lots of secret guests! Immanuel 153 is a part of Immanuel Church. Welcome!
Third Sunday in Advent. Sermon: Ulrika Morazan. Worship leader: Esther Kazen. Organist: Björn Gäfvert. Fundraising to Equmeniakyrkans international work
The Message: Here Am I, the servant of the Lord! Luke 1:26-38 Matthew 26:36-42 Pastor Chris Peterson preaching
Welcome to an international service with readings from the Christmas story! Participating: Charlotte Höglund, Esther Kazen, Victor Bodell. Immanuel 153 is a part of Immanuel church.
Lucia morning with Adolf Fredrik's music classes, 5AB, 7CD och 8AB Conducters: Karin Alván and Annika Beijer.
The 4th Sunday in Advent. Sermon: Claes-Göran Ydrefors Worshipleader: Esther Kazen Immanuel Gospel. Organ: Björn Gäfvert.
Welcome to a service with Christmas music! Participating: Immanuel 153:s vocalists and musicians. Immanuel 153 is a part of Immanuel Church.
Pastor: Anna Berndes. Musicians: Peter Eriksson and friends. Organ: Björn Gäfvert. Listen to the concert here
Christmas lunch in community will be served between 12-14 during the day.
Emmanuel, God with us! Philippians 2:1-11, Luke 2:1-20Pastor Chris Peterson preaching
Christmas lunch in community will serve the Christmas lunch, between 12-14.
"The message of Christmas in words and songs" Vocals: Margareta Gäfvert. Organ and piano: Björn Gäfvert. Reflections: Anna Berndes. Free entrance. Covidpass is mandatory.
Second day of Christmas. Sermon: Claes-Göran Ydrefors. Worship leader: Görel Byström Janarv Organ: Alwar Almkvisth
The Message Following Jesus into the New Year Psalm 119:105-112 Colossians 3:12-17 Luke 2:41-51 Pastor Chris Preaching
Welcome to devotion on New Year's eve! A moment of reflection on the year that has passed and the one to come. Music by Björn Gäfvert. Vocalist, Margareta Gäfvert. Reflektions by Charlotte Höglund, pastor.
The light of revelation Children born or adopted during the year are invited. Sermon: Esther Kazen Organ: Robin Taubert Tonårskören Participates
Sunday after New Year Sermon: Claes-Göran Ydrefors Worship leader: Agnetha Dalemark Organ: Alwar Almqvist
"The plan of God still includes Jesus.” Brenda Taylor preaching Text: John 1:1-18, Jeremiah 29:11-12