Worship in swedish 11:00

2 Sunday in Advent. Esther Kazen, pastor. Fredrik Jonsson, music. Robin Taubert, organ.

Worship in English

The Message:  Coming of the Lord’s Peace                         Isaiah 35:1-10 Matthew13:31-34 James 5:7-11 Winnieross Olofsson preaching

Worship in swedish 11:00

Third Sunday in Advent. Sermon: Ulrika Morazan. Worship leader: Esther Kazen. Organist: Björn Gäfvert. Fundraising to  Equmeniakyrkans international work  

Worship in English

The Message:  Here Am I, the servant of the Lord!                          Luke 1:26-38 Matthew 26:36-42 Pastor Chris Peterson preaching […]

International Christmas service

Welcome to an international service with readings from the Christmas story! Participating: Charlotte Höglund, Esther Kazen, Victor Bodell. Immanuel 153 is a part of Immanuel church.  

Worship in swedish 11:00

The 4th Sunday in Advent. Sermon: Claes-Göran Ydrefors Worshipleader: Esther Kazen Immanuel Gospel. Organ: Björn Gäfvert.  

Worship in English

A Little Nativity: Children’s Christmas Pageant John 3:16-17, John 1:1-5, 14  

Music worship service

Welcome to a service with Christmas music! Participating: Immanuel 153:s vocalists and musicians.   Immanuel 153 is a part of Immanuel Church.    

Music at the nativity scene

Pastor: Anna Berndes. Musicians: Peter Eriksson and friends. Organ: Björn Gäfvert. Listen to the concert here