Devotion with Communion
Welcome to share a short moment of devotion with Communion together with The University Choir. Anna Berndes and The University Choir.
Welcome to share a short moment of devotion with Communion together with The University Choir. Anna Berndes and The University Choir.
Sunday before Pentecost. The Helper is coming. Sermon: Esther Kazen Music: Martin Åsander Welcome to Church coffee after the Service!
Theme: TheWork That Never Ends Bible text: Romans 8:29-39 Preaching: Pastor Steve Armfield
Welcome to share a short moment of devotion with Communion together with The University Choir. Anna Berndes and The University Choir.
FREDA is Stockholm’s finest youth event for those who are 13 years and up. We meet every other Friday at 18.30–21.30. We start the evening with fika followed by activities […]
The day of Pentecost. Service in the big Sanctuary upstairs with our guest preacher, Pastor Steve Armfield. (Translation in Swedish) Theme: Facing Our Storms the Jesus’ Way Text: Mark 4:35-41 […]
Spring 23
Bless the Lord🎶! Kom och dela en kväll i gospelns glada budskap om hopp, glädje , kärlek och välsignelser. Immanuel Gospel med komp. Körledare ,Nina Tellander
The church youth and teenager team will together with the young people, gather around an Open mic evening! Are you among this groups and want to perform something on the […]
Soul Children with band sings a couple of swing'n songs. Come and listen! Welcome to Waldenströmsalen
Holy Trinity Day. God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Participating: Carin Dernulf, Björn Gäfvert, VOX with conducter Marie Söderberg. Church Coffee will be served after the service