Teenage activity Stockholm

Teenage activity Stockholm

Are you looking for a rewarding teenage activity in Stockholm? Join our youth choir called K.Ö.T.T which means the Choir Over the Tree Tops. It is a really fun and rewarding teenage activity in Stockholm. You get to meet other young people your age and will have a lot of fun with. We practice a few times per semester and sing at various events such as: Services, concerts, music cafes and other contexts in the Immanuel Church. You do not have to be able to read notes to take part, you can just come join. This is a fun teenage activity in Stockholm, join in!

Teenage activity Stockholm at Immanuel Church

Another rewarding teenage activity in Stockholm is our confirmation. You will meet other teenagers and have a lot of fun while learning more about the bible & christian faith.

Follow us on Facebook to find out more about our teenage activities!

CONTACT US if you want to know more!

We are a Christian congregation in downtown Stockholm and part of the Uniting Church in Sweden. On Sundays, we gather for worship in four different services and three different languages: English, Korean and Swedish. Throughout the week, the church is filled with small group gatherings and events.

Immanuel Church is a Christian fellowship for people from all over the world. We are one congregation, but are invited to worship in multiple languages and traditions.

We value diversity and want our church to be characterized by warmth, love and respect. We seek to create an environment where children and youth can develop, where people receive support and where faith can grow. Everyone should feel at home here.

This is where I belong – no matter who I am or where I come from 

• in a community without borders 

• among believers from all over the world 

• in a fellowship that touches and inspires people 

• in a place where my faith can grow 

Contact us for more information