FREDA is Stockholm’s finest youth event for those who are 13 years and up. We meet every other Friday at 18.30–21.30. We start the evening with fika followed by activities and devotion FREDA wants to be a safe place in the middle of town where you as a teenager can meet new friends, have fun, […]
Sexagesima Worship service in Swedish The word of life Does my words, and how I say them, matter? Anna Berndes, Anna-Carin Persson Stenbeck, Immanuel Nova, Björn Gäfvert Church coffee. Welcome!
The second Sunday before Lent. Theme: The living word Text: John 6:60-69 Preaching: Pastor Christina Molin
The way to the heart goes through the stomach - What the Holy communion means to us. To be invited and meet people - On the necessity and possibility of the Communion. Sermon: Jacob Molander Music: Sebastian Mattebo
Söndag 12 februari kl 16 Gudstjänst med nattvard To be invited and join – About the necessity and possibility of the Communion Jacob Molander, Sara Stignäs, Robin Taubert Soup is served. Welcome! NOTE! After the service, we talk about worship service development and renewal.