Term end - Concert with The music School in Immanuel. Singing evening Margaretha Gäfvert and Annelie Korsfeldt with students participating.
”Säll är den själ som i Herren funnit förlossning och frid” Gunilla Gunner berättar om den svenske missionären Wilhelm Sarwes liv och arbete i Ryssland runt sekel- skiftet 1900. Anders Andersson sjunger några av de sånger Sarwe komponerade under åren fram till de ryska revolutionerna 1917.
Every Tuesday evening 19.00 – 21:00 in the Youth Room. For more information click here.
Christmas Eve Christmas music by the crib Music Service in Swedish Together we celebrates Christmas Eve with songs and music. Children as well as adults, singing and playing instruments together. Conducter: Peter Eriksson Notice! No church coffee Participates: Esther Kazen, Peter Eriksson, Björn Gäfvert and others
"The message of Christmas in words and music". Björn Gäfvert, organ and piano Anna Berndes, reading and sermon