This text was published first on 26 January, 2022. It can therefore contain information or views that is inaccurate. It is online for archival purposes.
Conversation about the Bible and Life
31 May, 2022 kl. 19:15 - 20:30
Welcome to an open conversation
We read a story from the Bible and talk about life and about faith from our own perspectives. An open and unpretentious forum with room for both faith and doubt for those who want to immerse themselves in Bible stories and think together with others. Conversations are held in Swedish and take place in both larger and smaller groups.
Start: Tuesday February 8th at 19.15–20.30 Then every other Tuesday, even weeks in the spring.
Last day for registration: Sunday February 6th
Location: Digital meetings, with some exceptions when we meet in Immanuel Church instead.