3rd of Advent Prepare the way for the Lord! 10.00 Sport games in sporthall and creative activities on "kyrktorget". 11.00 Children friendly service with lucia performance. Kompiskören, Agnes Grahn, Robin […]
Theme: John the Baptist as our role model Preaching: Pastor Christina Molin
Do not be afraid... God gives you courage. Sermon: Esther Kazen Music: Erik Fröling.
Christmas Concert With Vox Immanuel, Immanuel Brass, Immanuel Big Band, International Choir, Björn Gäfvert and guest artist,Vincent Nilsson, trombone. Conducter: Rebecka Gustafsson
Översten Författaren Ola Larsmo berättar om Knut Oscar Broady, den svenske emigranten som mötte Gud, slogs mot slaveriet och deltog i det amerikanska inbördeskriget för att därefter återvända till Sverige. […]
Every Tuesday evening 19.00 – 21:00 in the Youth Room. For more information click here.
We meet up every Thursday from 12.15-13.15 to pray for our children and schools. We meet up in the Youth Room. In English. Click here for more information.
4th of Advent The mother of God Worship leader: Esther Kazen Sermon: Christina Molin. Music: Björn Gäfvert Collection for The international work within Equmenia Church Church coffee after the service […]
Children's Christmas Play service at 11.00.
Welcome to congregational meeting in Congressen. Decision about calling of new Senior Pastor. Decision about budget 2023