Childrens Sunday with “Lucia performance”

3rd of Advent Prepare the way for the Lord! 10.00 Sport games in sporthall and creative activities on "kyrktorget". 11.00 Children friendly service with lucia performance. Kompiskören, Agnes Grahn, Robin […]

Worship in English

Theme: John the Baptist as our role model Preaching: Pastor Christina Molin

Worship with Communion

Do not be afraid... God gives you courage. Sermon: Esther Kazen Music: Erik Fröling.

Christmas Concert

Christmas Concert With Vox Immanuel, Immanuel Brass, Immanuel Big Band, International Choir, Björn Gäfvert and guest artist,Vincent Nilsson, trombone. Conducter: Rebecka Gustafsson

Senior-meeting (In Swedish)

Översten Författaren Ola Larsmo berättar om Knut Oscar Broady, den svenske emigranten som mötte Gud, slogs mot slaveriet och deltog i det amerikanska inbördeskriget för att därefter återvända till Sverige. […]


Moms in Prayer

We meet up every Thursday from 12.15-13.15 to pray for our children and schools. We meet up in the Youth Room. In English. Click here for more information.

Service with Communion

4th of Advent The mother of God Worship leader: Esther Kazen Sermon: Christina Molin. Music: Björn Gäfvert Collection for The international work within Equmenia Church Church coffee after the service […]

Worship in English

Children's Christmas Play service at 11.00.

Congregational meeting

Welcome to congregational meeting in Congressen. Decision about calling of new Senior Pastor. Decision about budget 2023