Lunch Concert

At the organ:  Björn Gäfvert

Worship in swedish 11:00

Good Friday The Cross The passion drama with pictures, tunes and reflections Participating: Jacob Molander, Charlotte Höglund and choir with conducter Rebecka Gustafsson.

Good Friday Service in English

Theme:  The Cross  Text: John 19:17-37 Preaching: Pastor Christina Molin Service in Congressen, Sanctuary on K1

Easter night mass

Easter night Through death to life. Participating: Jacob Molander och Charlotte Höglund.

Worship in swedish 11:00

Easter Day The Lord is risen! Participating: Jacob Molander, Charlotte Höglund, Björn Gäfvert, Rebecka Gustafsson with VOX.

Worship in English

Easter Sunday Theme: Christ is Risen Bible text: John 20:1-18 Preaching: Pastor Christina Molin


FREDA is Stockholm’s finest youth event for those who are 13 years and up. We meet every other Friday at 18.30–21.30. We start the evening with fika followed by activities […]

Worship in swedish 11:00

2nd Sunday in easter The witnesses of Easter. Worship leader: Esther Kazen. Sermon: Ulla Marie Gunner Music: Alwar Almkvisth

Worship in English

 2nd Sunday of Easter with youth participation Theme: Witnesses of Easter  Bible text: John. 20:24-31  Preaching: Sara Stignäs 

Worship in swedish 16.00

The way to the heart goes through the stomach – What the Holy communion means to us Spring feast! Food, talk, music, mingle and storytelling about Gods Work in our […]