Worship in swedish 11:00
Second Sunday after epiphany The Source of Life Worship leader: Esther Kazen Sermon: Jacob Molander Organ: Björn Gäfvert
Second Sunday after epiphany The Source of Life Worship leader: Esther Kazen Sermon: Jacob Molander Organ: Björn Gäfvert
Theme: The Source of Life Bible text: John 4:5-30 Preaching: Pastor Christina
K2 – The next level K2 is a continuation after confirmation where we meet for fellowship, food, teaching and conversation. Every summer we intend for those who want to go on a trip to the monastery in Taizé in France. The watchword for K2 is to go deeper, and we focus the meetings on immersing ourselves […]
3 sun after The thirteens day Jesus creates faith Worship leader: Christina Molin. Sermon: Esther Kazen. Organ: Björn Gäfvert. Immanuel Gospel witn conducter Nina Tellander Remember! After the service at 13.00, there will be a Congregational meeting.
Welcome to Congregational meeting. More info to come!
Welcome to congregational meeting.
FREDA is Stockholm’s finest youth event for those who are 13 years and up. We meet every other Friday at 18.30–21.30. We start the evening with fika followed by activities and devotion FREDA wants to be a safe place in the middle of town where you as a teenager can meet new friends, have fun, […]
4th Sunday after epiphany Childrens Sunday - in swedish 10.00 Crafts in the church square, coffee for parents 10.45 Fruit and drink for all children 11.00 Worship service with kompiskören Theme: So happy that You exist! 11.45 Church coffee and lunch 12.20 Activities in the big gymnastics hall Ca 12.30 Meeting with parents about future […]
Theme: Jesus is our hope Bible text: Matthew 14:22-33 Preaching: Hugh Doyle
Spring 23
Service with Communion The way to the heart goes through the stomach - What the Holy communion means to us Participating: Charlotte Höglund, Jacob Molander Music: Sebastian Mattebo