Christmas music by the crib

Christmas Eve Christmas music by the crib Music Service in Swedish Together we celebrates Christmas Eve with songs and music. Children as well as adults, singing and playing instruments together. […]

Worship in English

Theme: Come as you are! Preaching: Brenda Taylor Text: Luke 2:8-20

Christmas Day Concert

"The message of Christmas in words and music". Björn Gäfvert, organ and piano Anna Berndes, reading and sermon

New Years Eve Worship

New Years Eve Worship Participating: Jacob Molander, Rebecka Gustafsson, Agneta Selander Notice! There is no serving of church Coffee today.

New Years Day Worship

New Years Day A service filled with Christmas songs and Bible readings. Participating: Jacob Molander, Rebecka Gustafsson och Sebastian Mattebo  

Worship in swedish 11:00

The Thirteenth day We sing the Christmas Songs Participating: Rebecka Gustafsson, Björn Gäfvert

Worship in swedish 11:00

We sing the Psalms & Songs of Christmas. Sermon: Charlotte Höglund Worship leader: Pernilla Kvarmans Music: Rebecka Gustafsson and Björn Gäfvert.

Worship in English

Theme: "Another Way" This Sunday we celebrate the Epiphany, God incarnate in the baby Jesus. When the author of Matthew tells the story of the wise men and their encounter with […]


FREDA is Stockholm’s finest youth event for those who are 13 years and up. We meet every other Friday at 18.30–21.30. We start the evening with fika followed by activities […]