Childrens Sunday

Welcome to Children’s Sunday in the spring of 2022! You get to take part in a child-friendly service followed by a light lunch and fun activities. Sometimes we also have […]

Barnens Söndag

A Child friendly Service with the theme: Friendship Music: "Kompiskören", The school of music, Björn Gäfvert Pastor: Esther Kazen After the service, we say thanks to Deacon Anders Segersson. OBS! […]

Worship in English

Theme: Are you going in the right direction? Preaching: Steven Downey Text: Isaiah 55:1-7, Luke 13:1-9

Worship in swedish 16.00

Fast with Marie Kondo: What sparks Joy? Theme: The Art of stopping. Preacher: Charlotte Höglund. Music: My & Isabel

Concert with Immanuel Nova

"Söderman och Schnittkes Andliga sånger" Immanuel Nova Rebecka Gustafsson, Conducter Björn Gäfvert, organ  

Lunch Consert

“Classical pearls, jazz and swing at the great organ in Immanuel” Jan Stenbaek, organ. Of course we follow the Public Health Agency and the government's advice and restrictions.

Conversation about the Bible and Life

Welcome to an open conversation We read a story from the Bible and talk about life and about faith from our own perspectives. An open and unpretentious forum with room […]


Gaming – Kompiscraft

We play Minecraft “Kompiscraft” and build an exciting world from home with our own computers. We meet together one night a week on discord and play on the realm “Kompiscraft”. […]