Worship in English

Part 4: Alive in the Spirit of God: Spirit of Holiness 1 Peter 2:1-12 Preaching: Pastor Ulf Bergsviker Watch here: https://www.immanuel.se/en/services/english/ Or on YouTube

Worship in swedish 11:00

The eighth Sunday after the Trinity. Esther Kazen, predikan. Björn Gäfvert, organist.


Holy Communion

Welcome to join a devotion with the Holy Communion. Max 50 persons at a time. You don't need to sign up. Welcome!


Open church

The church is open for devotion and lightening of candles. Welcome

Worship in English

Communion Sunday: In preparation for celebrating the Lord’s Supper, please prepare bread for each person in your home, and cups of juice to drink. Part 4: Alive in the Spirit of […]

Worship in swedish 11:00

The ninth Sunday after trinity. Theme: Good managers. Cathrin Sjöström, vocals. Björn Gäfvert, organ. Charlotte Höglund, sermon. Watch here!

Holy Communion

Welcome to join a devotion with the Holy Communion. Charlotte Höglund, pastor. Björn Gäfvert, organ. Max 50 persons at a time. You don't need to sign up. Welcome!


Open church

The church is open for devotion and lightening of candles. Welcome

Lunch in Community

Lunch in Community, is a part of our caring for people in need for support and food. During the pandemic each guest will get a lunchbag at kyrkbacken between 12-14. […]

Worship in English

Part 4: Alive in the Spirit of God: Spirit of Hope Psalm 126, Revelation 21:1-6, 22:16-21 Preaching: Vishal David Watch here: https://www.immanuel.se/en/services/english/ Or on YouTube