Worship in swedish 11:00

Marie Annunciation Day Karin Pettersson, preacher. Ulla-Marie Gunner, worship leader. Björn Gäfvert, organ. Immanuel Gospel participates Watch here >  

Worship in English

Part 2: Alive in the Adventure of Jesus: Why we worry, why we judge Text: Matthew 6:19-7:12 Preaching: Pastor Pete Anderson


Open Church

The church is open for prayer and lightening of candles every Sunday 13.00 - 14.30 during spring.  

Scripture Readings & Prayers

During Lent, there will be two opportunities to connect digitally for scripture readings and prayers lead by Pastor Chris. Wednesdays: March 24 From: 12.00-12:20 - via Google Meet - Click here From: 19.00-19.20 […]

Scripture Readings & Prayers

During Lent, there will be two opportunities to connect digitally for scripture readings and prayers lead by Pastor Chris. Wednesdays: March 24 From: 19.00-19.20 - via Google Meet - Click here

Worship in English

Palm Sunday Part 2: Alive in the Adventure of Jesus: Peace March (Palm Sunday) Text: Zechariah 9:9-10, Psalm 122, Luke 19:29-46 Preaching: Pastor Chris Peterson


Open Church

The church is open for prayer and lightening of candles every Sunday 13.00 - 14.30 during spring.  

Concert during Holy Week

We start Easter with a wonderful concert during Holy Week. Music by, among others, W A Mozart and F Mendelssohn   Watch here > Participants: Margareta Gäfvert, Annelie Korsfeldt, Kristina […]

Devotion on Maundy Thursday

A walk from a feast to solitude in Gethsemane. We follow Jesus on the road for a while. Berit Ekespång, vocals. Charlotte Höglund and Ulla-Marie Gunner, pastors.   Watch here!>