FREDA – Best in test!

FREDA is Stockholm’s finest youth event for those who are 13 years and up. We meet every other Friday at 18.30–21.30. We start the evening with fika followed by activities and devotion FREDA wants to be a safe place in the middle of town where you as a teenager can meet new friends, have fun, […]


Gaming – Kompiscraft

We play Minecraft “Kompiscraft” and build an exciting world from home with our own computers. We meet together one night a week on discord and play on the realm “Kompiscraft”. You need your own discord account and a minecraft account on Minecraft Java Edition. If you want to join, contact Maria Rönnedal.


Gaming – Kompiscraft

We play Minecraft “Kompiscraft” and build an exciting world from home with our own computers. We meet together one night a week on discord and play on the realm “Kompiscraft”. You need your own discord account and a minecraft account on Minecraft Java Edition. If you want to join, contact Maria Rönnedal.

FREDA – Parklife!

FREDA FREDA is Stockholm’s finest youth event for those who are 13 years and up. We meet every other Friday at 18.30–21.30. We start the evening with fika followed by activities and devotion FREDA wants to be a safe place in the middle of town where you as a teenager can meet new friends, have […]


Gaming – Kompiscraft

We play Minecraft “Kompiscraft” and build an exciting world from home with our own computers. We meet together one night a week on discord and play on the realm “Kompiscraft”. You need your own discord account and a minecraft account on Minecraft Java Edition. If you want to join, contact Maria Rönnedal.

Consert with “Musikskolan”

"Bland svansar och morrhår" En barnkonsert med elever från Immanuelskyrkans musikskola. Svängigt bra innehåll utlovas!


Gaming – Kompiscraft

We play Minecraft “Kompiscraft” and build an exciting world from home with our own computers. We meet together one night a week on discord and play on the realm “Kompiscraft”. You need your own discord account and a minecraft account on Minecraft Java Edition. If you want to join, contact Maria Rönnedal.

Childrens Sunday

Welcome to Children’s Sunday in the spring of 2022! You get to take part in a child-friendly service followed by a light lunch and fun activities. Sometimes we also have activity or practice before the service. There will be the opportunity to try minecraft, role-playing games, music, sports and creativity. In the spring, you can […]

Worship in swedish 11:00

Sunday May 22nd at 11.00 Kid-friendly Service Theme: A small seed... Kompiskören, Agnes Grahn, Esther Kazen In Swedish


Gaming – Kompiscraft

We play Minecraft “Kompiscraft” and build an exciting world from home with our own computers. We meet together one night a week on discord and play on the realm “Kompiscraft”. You need your own discord account and a minecraft account on Minecraft Java Edition. If you want to join, contact Maria Rönnedal.

“Summer adventure” Day Camp.

Day Camp for Children from 8 years. Leader: Maria Rönnedal. Arr. Immanuelskyrkan and Equmenia.