
Devotion at Löjtnantsgården. Welcome!

Devotion in swedish 11:00

Devotion with reflections, music and Communion. Charlotte Höglund, Björn Gäfvert, students from Masterclasses and others. From 10.45 Calm Music in the Sanctuary. From 11.00 Summer devotion From 11.45 Simple church coffee and ice-cream for the children.

Devotion in swedish 11:00

Devotion with reflections, music and Communion. Lina Mattebo, Sebastian Mattebo mfl. From 10.45 Calm Music in the Sanctuary. From 11.00 Summer devotion From 11.45 Simple church coffee and ice-cream for the children.    

Worship in swedish 11:00

Starting - up Sunday! The Freedom in Christ. 12th Sunday a Trinity. Esther Kazen, Claes-Göran Ydrefors. Music: Alwar Almqvist. Immanuel Brass

Worship in swedish 16.00

Theme: Turning point - personal stories about when faith begins anew. Preacher: Charlotte Höglund. Worship leader: Esther Kazen. Music: Sebastian Mattebo

Gathering with fika 16.00

With  Charlotte Höglund och Jakob Molander Gathering with fika for you who are new to the city!

Worship in swedish 11:00

United in Christ. 14th Sunday a Trinity. Preacher: Anna Berndes. Music: Björn Gäfvert. Tölö Church choir with Conducter Carl Markman.

Worship with Communion in swedish

Theme: Turning point – personal stories about when faith begins anew. Jacobs berättelse. Jacob Molander, Charlotte Höglund mfl.

Worship with Communion

Sunday the 25th of September at 16.00 Worship with Communion and Immanuel Nova. Theme: Turning point – personal stories about when faith begins anew. Esthers story. Esther Kazen, Charlotte Höglund, mfl.