Worship in swedish 11:00

Our eternal hope Closer to death life gets larger. Sermon: Anna Berndes. Music: Björn Gäfvert, Vox Immanuel, Åsa Bosdotter, Erik Fröling etc.

Joint service

Closer to the power of forgiveness. Sermon: Carin Dernulf. Worship leader: Hugh Doyle. Music: Victor Bodell and musicians from Immanuel Big band. Church coffee is served after the service.

Worship in swedish 11:00 with Communion.

Closer to faith in Life. Sermon: Carin Dernulf. Worship leader: Victor Bodell Music: Erik Fröling, My & Isabell Schutz, Youth Choir and Immanuel Music school etc    

Worship in swedish 11:00

Service in swedish the first of Advent A year of Grace Sermon: Carin dernulf Worship leader: Erik Amnå Nova, Vox Immanuel, Soul Children Björn Gäfvert, Rebecka Gustafsson, Åsa Bosdotter Childrens […]

Service in Swedish at 11

The Kingdom of God is near -everywhere! Anna Berndes, Görel Byström Janarv, Frida Fritzon, Robin Taubert and others. Church coffee is served. As a congregation we are part of a […]

Worship in swedish 11:00

Make way for the Lord Third of  advent. Communion Sermon: Carin Dernulf. Worship leader: Charlotte Höglund. Music: Robin Taubert etc.

Worship in swedish 11:00

 4th of Advent and Christmas eve The mother of the Lord Sermon: Carin Dernulf. Music: Peter Eriksson with The Christmas Orchestra. Björn Gäfvert, orgel & Piano  

Worship in swedish at 16.00

Music in the days of All Saints. Light a candle for someone that you think of or miss. Esther Kazen and Björn Gäfvert