Worship in swedish 11:00

The 5th Sunday in Easter. The Childrens Sunday. To grow in faith. Participating: Ester Kazen, Jacob Molander, Robin Taubert Kompiskören


Devotion with Communion

Welcome to share a short moment of devotion with Communion together with The University Choir. Anna Berndes and The University Choir.

Worship in swedish 11:00

The Sunday of Prayer. The Prayer. Sermon: Anna Berndes. Organ: Björn Gäfvert. The University Choir participates.


Devotion with Communion

Welcome to share a short moment of devotion with Communion together with The University Choir. Anna Berndes and The University Choir.

Worship in swedish 11:00

Sunday before Pentecost. The Helper is coming. Sermon: Esther Kazen Music: Martin Åsander Welcome to Church coffee after the Service!


Devotion with Communion

Welcome to share a short moment of devotion with Communion together with The University Choir. Anna Berndes and The University Choir.

Worship in swedish 11:00

Holy Trinity Day. God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Participating: Carin Dernulf, Björn Gäfvert, VOX with conducter Marie Söderberg. Church Coffee will be served after the service

Worship in English

Trinity Sunday   Communion  Theme: God- Father, Son and Holy Spirit  Text: John 11:18-27  Sermon: Christina Molin   

Worship in swedish 11:00

First Sunday after Trinity. Our Baptism. We say thank's to the 11 service. Participating: Jacob Molander and Esther Kazen. Music: Alwar Almkvisth and Immanuel Brass. Baptism Ceremony in the Service […]

Worship in swedish 11:00

2 sön e trefaldighet. The Call to the Kingdom of God.. 10.45 Music in the Sanctionary, time for own reflections. 11.00 Summer devotion with communion.  11.45 Fika at the Church […]