New Years Eve Worship
New Years Eve Worship Participating: Jacob Molander, Rebecka Gustafsson, Agneta Selander Notice! There is no serving of church Coffee today.
New Years Eve Worship Participating: Jacob Molander, Rebecka Gustafsson, Agneta Selander Notice! There is no serving of church Coffee today.
New Years Day A service filled with Christmas songs and Bible readings. Participating: Jacob Molander, Rebecka Gustafsson och Sebastian Mattebo
The Thirteenth day We sing the Christmas Songs Participating: Rebecka Gustafsson, Björn Gäfvert
We sing the Psalms & Songs of Christmas. Sermon: Charlotte Höglund Worship leader: Pernilla Kvarmans Music: Rebecka Gustafsson and Björn Gäfvert.
Theme: "Another Way" This Sunday we celebrate the Epiphany, God incarnate in the baby Jesus. When the author of Matthew tells the story of the wise men and their encounter with […]
Second Sunday after epiphany The Source of Life Worship leader: Esther Kazen Sermon: Jacob Molander Organ: Björn Gäfvert
3 sun after The thirteens day Jesus creates faith Worship leader: Christina Molin. Sermon: Esther Kazen. Organ: Björn Gäfvert. Immanuel Gospel witn conducter Nina Tellander Remember! After the service at […]
Welcome to congregational meeting.
4th Sunday after epiphany Childrens Sunday - in swedish 10.00 Crafts in the church square, coffee for parents 10.45 Fruit and drink for all children 11.00 Worship service with kompiskören […]
Service with Communion The way to the heart goes through the stomach - What the Holy communion means to us Participating: Charlotte Höglund, Jacob Molander Music: Sebastian Mattebo
Candlemas Day The light of the Revelation Worship leader: Ulla Marie Gunner Sermon: Marco Helles Organ: Alwar Almqvist Immanuel Brass
Candlemas Day God comes in to the world in a small child, who is met with wisdom by the elder. From the small the light grows. Marco Helles, Ulla Marie […]