Worship with Communion

The way to the heart goes through the stomach – What the Holy communion means to us Theme: Do the right thing or doing the good thing? Worship leader: Charlotte […]

Joint Service with Communion

3 Sunday in Lent The fight against evil Pray and collection to our deacon/pastors training Appreciation of pastor Ulla Marie Gunner after the service Sermon: Jacob Molander Other participating: Esther […]

Worship in swedish 11:00

Midfast Sunday The bread of Life. Sermon: Per Westblom Worship leader: Ulla Marie Gunner. Organ: Björn Gäfvert

Worship in swedish 11:00

Virgin Mary Annunciation Day God's mighty work Worship leader: Erik Amnå. Sermon: Anna Berndes. Music: Alwar Almqvist. Congregational meeting at 13.00  

Worship in swedish 16.00

Service with Communion The way to the heart goes through the stomach – What the Holy communion means to us Theme: "For as the body is one, and hath many […]

Worship in swedish 16.00

Service with Communion The way to the heart goes through the stomach – What the Holy communion means to us Theme: Round table conversation about The Communion with invited guests. […]

Worship in swedish 11:00

Good Friday The Cross The passion drama with pictures, tunes and reflections Participating: Jacob Molander, Charlotte Höglund and choir with conducter Rebecka Gustafsson.

Easter night mass

Easter night Through death to life. Participating: Jacob Molander och Charlotte Höglund.