Childrens Sunday

4th Sunday after epiphany Childrens Sunday - in swedish 10.00 Crafts in the church square, coffee for parents 10.45 Fruit and drink for all children 11.00 Worship service with kompiskören […]

Worship in swedish 16.00

Service with Communion The way to the heart goes through the stomach - What the Holy communion means to us Participating: Charlotte Höglund, Jacob Molander Music: Sebastian Mattebo

Worship in swedish 11:00

Candlemas Day The light of the Revelation Worship leader: Ulla Marie Gunner Sermon: Marco Helles Organ: Alwar Almqvist Immanuel Brass

Worship in swedish 11:00

Candlemas Day God comes in to the world in a small child, who is met with wisdom by the elder. From the small the light grows. Marco Helles, Ulla Marie […]

Worship in swedish 16.00

Service with Communion The way to the heart goes through the stomach - What the Holy communion means to us Communion - The worlds most revolutionary meal. Sermon: Charlotte Höglund […]

Worship in swedish 11:00

Sexagesima Worship service in Swedish The word of life Does my words, and how I say them, matter? Anna Berndes, Anna-Carin Persson Stenbeck, Immanuel Nova, Björn Gäfvert Church coffee. Welcome!

Worship with Communion

The way to the heart goes through the stomach - What the Holy communion means to us. To be invited and meet people - On the necessity and possibility of […]

Worship in swedish 16.00

Söndag 12 februari kl 16 Gudstjänst med nattvard To be invited and join – About the necessity and possibility of the Communion Jacob Molander, Sara Stignäs, Robin Taubert Soup is […]

Worship in swedish 11:00

  The way of Love Sermon: Charlotte Höglund Worship leader: Esther Kazen Organ: Björn Gäfvert Music: VOX , Rebecka Gustafsson.

Worship in Swedish 16.00

The way to the heart goes through the stomach - What the Holy communion means to us. Worship with Communion. Theme: The stories behind the symbols of the Communion. Sermon: […]

Ash Wednesday Joint Service

Prayer and Fasting Joint Service at  18.00 Participating: Charlotte Höglund och Esther Kazen Text: Luke 5:33-39

Worship with Communion

1 Sunday in Lent The moment of trial Worship leader: Pernilla Kvarmans Sermon:Ulla Marie Gunner Organist: Alwar Almkvisth