Holy Trinity Day. God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Participating: Carin Dernulf, Björn Gäfvert, VOX with conducter Marie Söderberg. Church Coffee will be served after the service
First Sunday after Trinity. Our Baptism. We say thank's to the 11 service. Participating: Jacob Molander and Esther Kazen. Music: Alwar Almkvisth and Immanuel Brass. Baptism Ceremony in the Service Church Coffee will be served after the Service
2 sön e trefaldighet. The Call to the Kingdom of God.. 10.45 Music in the Sanctionary, time for own reflections. 11.00 Summer devotion with communion. 11.45 Fika at the Church square or outdoors. Coffee, tea with a bisquit. Ice-Cream and lemonade to the children. Sermon: Esther Kazen. Worship leader: Carin Dernulf. Organ: Björn Gäfvert. […]
John the Babtist's Day. The highest of the Prophet of the Most High. 10.45 Music in the Sanctionary, time for own reflections. 11.00 Summer devotion with communion. 11.45 Fika at the Church square or outdoors. Coffee, tea with a bisquit. Ice-Cream and lemonade to the children. Sermon: Jacob Molander. Worship Leader: Karin Pettersson. Music: […]
4th Sunday a Trinity. Not to judge. 10.45 Music in the Sanctionary, time for own reflections. 11.00 Summer devotion with communion. 11.45 Fika at the Church square or outdoors. Coffee, tea with a bisquit. Ice-Cream and lemonade to the children. Participating: Esther Kazen och Alwar Almqvisth