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Celebrate & Worship!

16 November, 2024 kl. 13:00 - 16:00

Join us on November 16th for fellowship with potluck (13:00) followed by a special time of worship (14:30). As one body, together in Christ, we invite all of Immanuel to celebrate His love for each of us and Worship His name for who He is.
We start by enjoying each other’s unique dishes. Please bring a dish from your homeland (or new homeland), enough to serve your family and a few others. Since kitchen access will be limited, we ask that your dish be fully prepared ahead of time (to some degree our kitchen volunteers will be available to help warm it up if needed), kindly note, no soups. Please label your serving dish and utensils with your name, and provide a note card with the name of the dish and its ingredients for those with allergies. We look forward to sharing the flavors and stories of each dish together!

After this fellowshiping around the tables we’ll gather in Congressen for a special time of worship, heartfelt testimonials and prayer. Different worship leaders will lead us in worship in their respective ways, and it’s our ambition to hear both English, Swedish and Korean (come and see how far our ambition will take us). Let’s come together and  lift our voices in praise of our Heavenly Father.

For children (and in case of smaller children also their parents) a treasure hunt will be available between 13:00 and 14:30. At that time we invite everyone to join us in Congressen. There will be no dedicated child care but we are hoping that the variety in the worship service will be something that also children can enjoy. The worship will also be broadcasted outside of Congressen, so that is also an option.

We believe this can be a time of connection and joyful worship and hope you can join us for this meaningful and uplifting afternoon!

This event is organized by the English speaking group. No registration is needed, just come and join us on November 16th. You can reach out to Soondely de Jesus Wang if you have questions regarding the Potluck.


16 November, 2024
13:00 - 16:00