
Light a Candle

Light a candle for someone or something you want us to pray for or to give thanks for. On Wednesdays at 13.00 we light a candle and pray for each

Advent Concert

28 November 11.00, live streamed concert at the Immanuel Church YouTube. Instead of our traditional Christmas Market you may this year enjoy this Advent concert. It is a live streamed

Best of Löjtis

Sunday 15 nov at 18.00, live streamed concert on Youtube and Facebook. Listen to music from the concert series that was given during spring and summer at Löjtnantsgården. Information in

Immanuel 153 is adjusting

Due to the increasing spreading in Stockholm of the Corona virus Immanuel Church has been forced to close the doors again for visitors. Immanuel 153 needs to adjust to the

Regional Gatherings

In this time of disconnection we are continually seeking ways to stay connected. One thing we are excited to remind you about is Regional Gatherings. Regional gatherings are a way

On Call

Every day there is a pastor or a deacon on call between kl 9.00-21.00 Vecka 52 Datum Beredskapspastor Telefon 21 December Agneta Selander 08-587 503 24 22 December Agneta Selander