Please Note

This text was published first on 17 October, 2024. It can therefore contain information or views that is inaccurate. It is online for archival purposes.

Future Workshop

Welcome to influence the Immanuel Church of tomorrow!
Saturday, October 19, 12:45 PM – 4 PM (lunch at 11:30 AM for those who have pre-registered)

Throughout 2024, we have celebrated the 50th anniversary of Immanuel Church. Now it’s time to summarize the anniversary year and together look forward to the future.
Welcome to make your voice heard and share what you want and hope will happen in your church!

11:30 AM Lunch at PAUS (for those who have pre-registered)

12:45 PM Future outlook with Senior Pastor Carin Dernulf and Anniversary Project Manager Erik Amnå

1:00 PM The Congregation as a Microcosm
A conversation between the leading pastors Esther Kazen, Hugh Doyle, and Kun Mi Lee. The conversation will be moderated by Priscilla Musoki, Chair of the International Ministry Council

2:00 PM Future Café and coffee led by Greger Hjelm, Chair of the Immanuel Church Board

4:00 PM Devotion with Pastor Charlotte Höglund