Please Note

This text was published first on 5 July, 2023. It can therefore contain information or views that is inaccurate. It is online for archival purposes.

Minutes, Immanuel Church Annual Meeting, 23 April 2023 at 13.00

Present: 208 members

Interpreters: Paulina Fröling, Thomas Ericsson and Marco Helles (substitute).

§ 1 Introduction and opening

The Chairman of the Board, Greger Hjelm, welcomed those present. He stated that this was a day of celebration as the congregation had just celebrated a joint service in three languages ​​with the installation of the new Senior Pastor, Carin Dernulf. He described the annual meeting as an opportunity to look back but also forward, among others, to the election of representatives. He then offered a prayer and declared the annual meeting open.

The CEOs of the three companies: Probitas, Immanuelskyrkans Vård and Hotell Birger Jarl were warmly thanked with flowers for their valuable contributions during the year. The staff were also called to the stage and thanked with a flower each.

§ 2 The question on whether the annual meeting has been announced according to the by-laws

The annual meeting decided that the meeting has been announced according to the by-laws.

§ 3 Adoption of the agenda

It was noted that no other questions had been received, after which the agenda was established. 

§ 4 Election of the chairman, vice-chairman and secretary for the annual meeting

Karin Sandström, convener for the election committee presented this year’s election committee made up of representatives from all the language groups.

The annual meeting decided to elect Madeleine Harby Samuelsson as chair, Patrick Amofah as vice-chair and Maria Dahl as secretary for the annual meeting.

§ 5 Election of tellers

The convener for the election committee Karin Sandström presented the committee’s proposal.

The annual meeting decided to elect Agnetha Dalemark (convener), Monica Helles, Kjell Walfridsson, Anders Berndes, Mirjam Olsson, Dogal Kidane, Senay Assefa, Samuel Kuruvilla and Julia Lewis as tellers.

§ 6 Election of adjusters

The convener for the election committee Karin Sandström presented the committee’s proposal

The annual meeting decided to elect Camilla Widäng and Thure Thorgren, together with the chairman and vice-chairman to adjust the minutes of the meeting.

§ 7 Annual Report, appendix 1a, 1b

Claes-Göran Ydrefors, the former Interim Senior Pastor, gave an account of the annual report. He specifically mentioned four important parts of the congregational activities: The diaconal work, children and youth, increased fellowship between worship groups as well as volunteers and leadership.

The Chairman Greger Hjelm summarized the board’s work since the last annual meeting.

In reverence and gratitude, the former interim Senior Pastor Claes-Göran Ydrefors previously mentioned the names of the members of the congregation who died during the year and said a prayer. (See Appendix 1, page 20)

The annual meeting decided to add the Annual report to the documents.

§ 8 The Ministry Evaluation Committee’s report appendix 2a, 2b

Dan Svanell, convener of the Ministry Evaluation Committee (MEC), explained that the MEC’s mission is to, as a representative of the congregational members, review the activities based on statutes and decisions. The focus has been:

  • The councils
  • The Church’s companies
  • Immanuel music school
  • Communication
  • Democracy

The annual meeting decided to add the Ministry Evaluation Committee’s report to the documents.

§ 9 Administrative report and Profit and Loss Balance Sheet, appendix 1a, 1b & 3

The figures are presented in the printed publications of the annual report for 2022, appendix 1 pages 26-49.

The annual meeting decided to add the Administrative report and Profit and Loss Balance Sheet to the documents.

§ 10 The Accountant’s Audit Report, appendix 1a, 1b

Christina Gotting, authorized accountant and member of the congregation preferred the accountants’ report. Martin Nääs, authorized accountant at PwC, together with Christina Gotting, have carried out the audit for 2022 of Immanuel Church’s congregation and group of companies. See the annual report, appendix 1, pages 50-52.

The auditors recommend that the profit and loss account and balance sheet for 2022 be determined and that the annual meeting grants the board members discharge from liability for the financial year.

The annual meeting decided to add the audit report to the documents. 

§ 11 Establishment of the financial result for the year 2022 and the balance sheet per 31 December 2022

The annual meeting confirmed the Profit-and-Loss Account of the church and Immanuel group for 2022 as well as the congregation’s and the Immanuel Group’s balance sheet as per December 31, 2022.

§ 12 Discharge from liability for the Congregational Board for the 2022 administration, appendix 4

In connection with the point concerning the discharge from liability, questions and opinions regarding the inclusion of the various language groups were raised.

The annual meeting granted, in accordance with the approval of the auditors, the board the discharge from liability for the financial year 2022.

Pause in the proceedings.

When the proceedings resumed again, Greger extended a greeting from the sister congregation in N’djili, Congo-Kinshasa, in connection with the installation of the new Senior Pastor. (Appendix 5.)

§ 13 Election of the Chairman of the Board until the annual meeting in 2024, appendix 6 & 7

The convener of the election committee, Karin Sandström, informed about the election committee’s working methods.

The election committee submitted a proposal to re-elect Greger Hjelm as the Chairman of the Board until the annual meeting in 2024.

The annual meeting decided to elect Greger Hjelm as Chairman of the Board until the 2024 annual meeting.

§ 14 Election of members to the board, appendix 6 & 7

The convener for the election committee, Karin Sandström, presented the committee’s proposal for board members.

The annual meeting elected the following members as board members for a period of two years:

Evado Arfs re-election 2 years

Mats Bernö new election 2 years

Peter Dobers re-election 2 years

Barbro Ericsson new election 2 years

Karin Pettersson new election 2 years

Johan Sahlén re-election 2 years

Up until the Annual Meeting of 2024 Hannah Akuffo Britton, Tobias Ejeby, Hans-Olof Hagén, Roelof Hansman, Cecilia Mjönes and Ingrid Östlund will continue as Board members. 

§ 15 Election of two Permanent Accountants and two Substitute Accountants, appendix 7

The convener for the election committee, Karin Sandström, presented the election committee’s proposal to elect Martin Nääs and Christina Gotting as regular auditors for one year and Susanne Westman and Irene Tynnemark as substitute auditors for one year. 

The annual meeting decided in accordance with the proposal.

§16 Election of the Ministry Evaluation Committee, appendix 7

The convener for the election committee, Karin Sandström, presented the election committee’s proposal to elect Jonas Gustafsson (convener), as well as Ann Margret Bergman and Moses Njenga with Agnetha Dalemark as substitute

The annual meeting decided in accordance with the proposal.

§ 17 Election of members in the three Ministry Councils, appendix 7

The convener for the election committee, Karin Sandström, presented the election committee’s proposal to the Swedish council.

The annual meeting decided to go with the suggestion of the names proposed in the appendix.

The annual meeting decided to give the election committee the task of proposing candidates at an upcoming congregational meeting for the positions that are now vacant.

The convener of the election committee, Karin Sandström, presented the nomination committee’s proposal to the international council. Discussion followed. Another candidate was nominated as chairman, in addition to the nomination committee’s proposal. It was Lalit Kumar who was nominated by Lotta Hansman.

The annual meeting decided to elect a chairman for the international council based on the committee’s proposal.

The annual meeting decided to choose the other names and for the time periods proposed in the appendix for the international council.

The convener of the election committee, Karin Sandström, presented the election committee’s proposal for the Korean council.

The annual meeting decided to choose the names suggested for the Korean council and for the time periods proposed in the appendix.

§ 18 Election of members in other committees as well as representatives, appendix 7

The convener of the election committee, Karin Sandström, presented the election committee’s proposal to eight of the congregation’s eleven committees.

The annual meeting decided in accordance with the election committee’s proposal regarding the eight committees.

A change was made regarding the Music School Committee: Katarina Andreasson is there as per her position and not as an adjunct.

A name on the Music School Committee had been interchanged. Marianne Schönning Råström is the correct name.

Regarding the Serving Committee, work is underway to fill the vacant positions.

The Music Committee and the Interpretation Committee are dormant.

The convener of the election committee, Karin Sandström, presented the election committee’s proposal for representatives and substitutes to the Equmenia Church’s Church Conference on September 8-10.

The annual meeting decided to elect for the Church Conference 2023, the representatives proposed in the appendix, with the addition of also appointing Carin Dernulf as substitute.

The chairman of the meeting Madeleine Harby Samuelsson reminded all that in addition to those who had now been elected to various assignments, there is a large group of members who contribute in different ways in groups and tasks. All these contributions are important.

§ 19 Election of the nominating committee for the election committee to the 2024 annual meeting 

The Chairman of the Board, Greger Hjelm presented the board’s proposal for a nominating committee whose task is to make proposals for the election committee for the 2024 annual meeting.

The proposed are Marco Helles (convener), Anna-Carin Persson Stenbeck, Patrick Amofah, John Davis, Mi Kyung Lee and Jong Kyu Yi.

 The annual meeting decided in accordance with the proposal.

The current election committee remains in its role until a new election committee is elected.

§ 20 Information on Immanuel Senior, appendix 1a, 1b

Immanuel Senior’s chairman, Kristina Gustafsson, talked about their work.

For Immanuel Senior’s finances, see appendix 1, pages 54-55.

§ 21 Information about the children and youth activities in the congregation

Greger Hjelm informed that the congregation does not have an active Equmenia association, but that it has an extensive children’s and youth activity that functions well.

§ 22 Decision on the Ministry Plan, appendix 8a, 8b

Johan Sahlén informed about the board’s proposal for a Ministry Plan for 2023-2024. The Ministry Plan is divided into

A) Strategic activities, congregation and board (which the annual meeting decides on), and 

B) The Senior Pastor’s Ministry Plan (which is just an information point).

Several people expressed themselves and wanted to give their additional thoughts to the board. This was about the need for an Equmenia association, confirmation work and evangelism.

The annual meeting decided to adopt the presented Ministry Plan for 2023-2024.

§ 23 Motions received for the annual meeting 

  1. Motion on the music at Immanuel, appendix 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d

The petitioners were represented by Anders Andersson, who preferred the motion’s proposal about the music school and its relationship to the congregation’s other activities.

Johan Sahlén who represented the board, explained that the board shares the petitioners’ view that music is important and it supports several of the proposals, but that it does not want to contribute to giving the music school a special status.

The annual meeting decided to approve the board’s response to the motion.

  1. The board’s proposal in connection with a motion from 2021 regarding budget management, appendix 10a, 10b

Roelof Hansman from the board gave an account of the board’s proposal in connection with the motion that was approved at the annual meeting in 2021. The board presented two different options with preference for Option 1.

The petitioner Claes-Göran Ydrefors spoke and called for Option 2.

The annual meeting decided in accordance with the board’s proposal, Option 1

§ 24 Farewell, retiring board members

The Chair of the Board, Greger Hjelm called Maria Eriksson, outgoing board member and extended a warm thank you to her and to Claes Jonsson (not present) for their time and valuable contributions in the congregation’s board after which they received flowers.

§ 25 Other matters

No other questions were reported. 

§ 26 Conclusion

The chairman of the annual meeting Madeleine Harby Samuelsson thanked all the annual meeting participants and the interpreters. The chairman Greger Hjelm thanked the Presidium and also for the confidence entrusted in him, to be the chairman for another year. He called for prayer for the board, staff and congregation.

The Senior Pastor Carin Dernulf said a closing prayer, after which the chairman Madeleine Harby Samuelsson declared the 2023 annual meeting closed. 

Maria Dahl


Adjusted by: 

Madeleine Harby Samuelsson Patrick Amofah 

Chairman Vice-chairman

Camilla Widäng Thure ThorgrenAdjuster Adjuster