Please Note

This text was published first on 14 March, 2022. It can therefore contain information or views that is inaccurate. It is online for archival purposes.

Music Workshop 20 March

Immanuel Music School invites to a “Music Workshop” between

Welcome to sing and test different instruments

10.00 -10.45 The friends’ choir and music school rehearse in the church hall

10.00-10.20 and 12.40-13.00 Children’s rhythmics 0-2 years

10.30-10.50 and 13.10-13.30 Children’s rhythmics 2-4 years

11.00–11.45 Child-friendly service

11.45–12.30 Light lunch

12.30-14.00 Try singing and various instruments for children and young people.

For children 0-15 years, everyone is welcome! Children 0-7 years need to
have an adult present.