Immanuelskyrkans församlingsmöte

Please Note

This text was published first on 18 March, 2022. It can therefore contain information or views that is inaccurate. It is online for archival purposes.

Report from the Board,  February 17, 2022

Here is a summary of some of the key points discussed during the Board meeting this evening.

Immanuel Production

An introductory point during the meeting was the idea of ​​starting “Immanuel Produktion” (Immanuel Production) which was presented by Erik Amnå, Esther Kazen and Fredrik Jonsson. Immanuel Production is a platform where young people have the opportunity to create music and conversations based on theological reflections in order to reach more people outside Immanuel Church. Three areas of activity are envisaged: music, conversation and a material bank. The Board was positive to the idea and decided to have further discussions on a possible establishment of Immanuel Production.

Recruitment of a new Senior pastor

The Board decided to revise the plan for working on the recruitment of a new Senior Pastor. The new plan is as follows:

  1. The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board shall form a working group to lead the process and report to the Board.
  2. At the meeting, the Board presented some initial criteria for the recruitment of a future Senior Pastor.
  3. The initial criteria shall go on a “referral” to the three councils, which in turn will ensure that the criteria are discussed in the various groups, as part of the council’s responsibilities. The councils collect the results, which are then reported to the working group.
  4. The working group shall present the collected results to the Board at the meeting in March, who shall after possible revision determine the criteria.
  5. The Board shall begin the recruitment process. The position may also be advertised. Selected candidates shall be interviewed and references taken.
  6. The Board proposes to call for the appointment of a new Senior Pastor at the congregational meeting. 

Other recruitments

There are ongoing recruitments in the church among others:

  • An interim pastor for the English-speaking group
  • New deacon.
  • New music director.
  • New accounting clerk.

Discussions with the international group

These discussions are ongoing. Ahead of the congregational meeting on February 20, the Board has received a proposal from a member requesting that the congregation instructs the international council to provide an answer to the question of what the international group wants when it comes to being part of Immanuel Church. The Board shall take the proposal to the next congregational meeting for discussion.

The Board’s working methods

The Board has had an in-depth discussion on whether the Board’s minutes should be made public or not. Today, a member can read our minutes when visiting the church office (excluding staff-sensitive and company-sensitive information), but otherwise the minutes are not made public. On the other hand, the Board publishes a summary of our meetings, which is posted on the church’s website. The Board has decided to continue to have non-public minutes.

Loan to the sister church in Estonia

Immanuel Church has received a request for a loan of 2.5 million Swedish kronor to our sister church in Estonia for the construction of a nursing home in the city of Tartu. The Board has decided to grant this loan on the condition that the Congregation at the congregational meeting on February 20 confirms the Board’s decision.

Ownership directive to Probitas

There is a need to review and develop the congregation’s ownership directive to Probitas. An ownership directive states the assignment to a company as well as other requirements and frameworks for the company’s operations. The Board has decided to appoint a working group within the Board to draft a proposal for a new ownership directive to Probitas.