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This text was published first on 11 May, 2022. It can therefore contain information or views that is inaccurate. It is online for archival purposes.

Music Party 2022

To the earth’s outer limit


Concert Thursday 26 MAY 20.30

Choir and musicians from Södra Vätter district Folk High School and Bromma Folk High School

Concert Friday 27 MAY 21.30

Singing emblem IRIS, Carin Åkesson, Conductor

Closing concert SAT 28 MAY 15.00

The music festival’s choir with choir singers from all over Sweden under the direction of

Mats Nilsson and Gunnar Eriksson. Immanuel Brass. Karolina Andersson, soprano.

Olle Persson, baritone. Anders Andersson, reciter. Music: Choir improvisation,

Sandström, Disguised God by L-E Larsson, and premiere

by Mats Larsson Gothes “No darkness should be there”.

Fri entrance

IRIS i rapsfältet