Please Note

This text was published first on 1 April, 2022. It can therefore contain information or views that is inaccurate. It is online for archival purposes.

Easter at Immanuel

Monday April 11 – Thursday April 14

20.00 Holy week meditation in Korean (online)

Thursday April 14

12.00 Maundy Thursday Communion In swedish 

18.00 Maundy Thursday Communion In swedish 

Friday April 15

11.00 Good friday service In swedish 

15.00 Good friday service with communion In English  (Congressen)

19.00 Good friday service In Korean

Saturday April 16 

12.00-14.00 Community Lunch

Sunday April 17 

11.00 Easter Sunday service with communion In Swedish  and in English

11.00 Easter Sunday service with baptism and Holy communion In Korean

Monday April 18 11.00-12.00

The church is open for candle lighting and prayer.

kl. 11.30 we read the scripture about the walk to Emmaus In swedish