With a hand on the heart and warm eyes.
We hope to go on opening up our church step by step. Monday, 23 August the Church Square will be open again, Monday – Thursday 10–19, Friday 10–16, thanks to our information hosts.
Not everything is back to usual, but thanks to the vaccination we can meet. It requires that we keep respecting distance. In our church we do not hug. We do not greet each other by shaking hands. We stay home if we have symptoms of Covid 19, and we wash our hands. We know how to do that by now! (You who wish to wear a mouth mask feel free to do that.)
Despite keeping the distance safe, we can meet! We do it respectfully to protect the others by keeping the distance. One meter is recommended, not that far. Easy to talk and greet each other – With a hand on the heart and warm eyes.
With a hand on the heart and warm eyes. Those words were born out of my body, the way I have found myself greeting. I notice that this greeting and the words mean something. With a hand on the heart and warm eyes to show love and care – warm eyes because we all need to be seen right where we are. With a hand on the heart instead of shaking hands or hugging – but the same meaning of closeness and relationship.
Jesus used both his eyes and his hands to make whole. It starts with seeing, seeing somebody, or a situation, to build relationships. The power of the hand does not need to mean touching to make a difference. Efter the resurrection Jesus chose to let someone touch his wounded hand, another one were not allowed to touch. Someone got her life back through the words of Jesus – others through his touch. Of course the physical touch is important. But for now we save that touch for family and a few close friends – outside visiting the church.
Love and compassion is at the heart of our belief. God’s heart is pounding for our world, for each one of us. In this pulse we are all part as we care about each other.
Blessings from God,
Ulla Marie Gunner
Senior pastor