Please Note

This text was published first on 26 October, 2021. It can therefore contain information or views that is inaccurate. It is online for archival purposes.

Welcome to Höstlovsäventyret (Autumn Break Adventure)

Welcome to Höstlovsäventyret an exciting day with gaming and role-playing games in Immanuel Church on Monday 1 November at 12.00–18.00 for you from about 8 years and up.
Note! Höstlovsäventyret will be held in Swedish.


12.00 Check-in and joint start

12.30–14.30 Workshops

14.30 Packed lunch / break

15.30–17.30 Workshops & Coffee

17.30–18.00 Gathering and closing

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Maria Rönnedal at