Please Note

This text was published first on 18 February, 2021. It can therefore contain information or views that is inaccurate. It is online for archival purposes.

Friends Craft


Come and join us at Kompiscraft. We started in March 2020 and still continue to play together! The church has been closed from time to time but we meet several times a week at our minecraft realm and it’s so fun. We use discord to talk to each other and we play in the minecraft world. You who want to can join us and play Minecraft and build an exciting world with us. We play the Java edition on computers from home. Kompiscraft is a good way to meet. We build houses, cities and worlds. We sometimes have different themes. We create small minigames and play with and against each other. We play in creative but it happens that we switch to survival mode. Sometimes we record a little movie together. The leader is Maria Rönnedal and the participants are a group of children aged about 8-15 years. The realm is always open. But it’s fun to have some times when we are many who play together at the same time. If you want to know more, email Maria Rönnedal.

We meet at Kompiscraft every Tuesday and Thursday at 18.30-20.30.