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This text was published first on 19 October, 2021. It can therefore contain information or views that is inaccurate. It is online for archival purposes.

Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine och Requiem

Concert 28/10 at 19.00

Gabriel Fauré (1845 – 1924) was only twenty years old when in 1865 he composed Cantique de Jean Racine (Infinite he gives).
His most famous work, Requiem, was completed in 1890, 25 years later.

Both works breathe peace now that we are approaching Alla Helgons Dag (All Saints’ Day).
Immanel Nova performs these beloved works together with the orchestra.

Anders Andersson – baritone
Björn Gäfvert – organ
Kristina Åkesson – conductor

Free admission!