Please Note

This text was published first on 3 September, 2021. It can therefore contain information or views that is inaccurate. It is online for archival purposes.

Family concert with the clown Hjördis

Saturday 11 September at 11.00 in Immanuel Church.

Join the intricate and sometimes surprising world of the organ together with the clown Hjördis!

During the month of September, an organ festival, Organ Space, takes place in Stockholm. An international festival with artists who treat many of the first-class and spectacular organs found in Stockholm’s churches and concert institutions. As at the previous festival, the Immanuel Church has been invited to participate. This time it will be a child and family concert together with the Immanuel Church’s organist, Björn Gäfvert and the hospital clown Hjördis (who is also called Anna Dahlqvist).

Welcome the whole family! From 4 years and up.