Please Note

This text was published first on 18 October, 2020. It can therefore contain information or views that is inaccurate. It is online for archival purposes.

Minutes, Immanuel Church Annual Meeting, 18 October 2020, 14.00

Present: In person approximately 40 people, digitally approximately 110 

Simultaneous interpreters: Erin Person, Hanna Zuring Peterson 

§ 1 Introduction

The Chair of the Board Stephen James welcomed everyone present in the room and at home behind their screens to the digital Annual Meeting. The Chair of the Board mentioned that there was a plan set for how the Annual Meeting, as well as the Congregational Meetings would be held, but so far it has not worked out according to plan. He goes on to say that we, however, can be happy that the Congregation is not a building but that it is we, as Christians who make the Congregation. 

Our ministries have been able to continue, in a different way then they normally would, even though we are in the middle of a pandemic. Probitas is facing difficulties as well as the Hotel, which will be presented when it is time to close the books for 2020. Today we will present and discuss 2019. Stephen prayed for the meeting and then declared the meeting open. 

He informed about the YouTube Channel with simultaneous interpretation into English, and that there may be a delay in the broadcast when you cast via YouTube. He encouraged everyone to take out their documents for the annual meeting and informed about the possibility to send in questions via email or text message. Everyone was encouraged to send in their questions as soon as possible. 

Stephen then went on to present everyone who has present in the room; the Board, the adjusters, interpreters, a new candidate for Chair of the Board, representatives from all three ministries, the summoner for the fellowship council, the Chair of The Nominating Committee, Staff, Technicians, Presidium and a Photographer. 

§ 2 The question if the annual meeting has been announced according to the by-laws 

The early voting has taken place in this matter and 99,2% have voted that the annual meeting has been announced according to the by-laws. 

§ 3 Determining of the agenda 

The agenda has been determined through the early voting. 

§ 4a Information on how the early voting has taken place

The Chair of the Board, Stephen James, informed all members that they have received informational documents for the voting, via mail. 337 members have sent in their votes, which is approximately 70% more votes than how many members usually attend a normal annual meeting. Most of the received votes are used as a base for decisions and all of the polls have resulted in 98,2-99,1% “Yes” votes.

§ 4b Presentation of the work of thetellers, encl. 1 

The Board Member Evado Arfs read the report that has come in from Ingrid Jonsson, who is the Summoner of the Tellers. The report described the procedure for control of the electoral register, an overview of the result, as well as comments that have been handed over to Management and the Board.

§ 5 The setup of the meeting is presented as well as information regarding how members can contact the Presidium during the meeting

The Chair of the Board, Stephen James informed that the annual meeting will only handle formalities and to confirm the decisions that had been made in the early voting. Bills and other questions will be raised when it is possible to have a more interactive meeting. 

He repeated the arrangement the meeting and how members can get in contact with the Presidium during the meeting.

§ 6 Election of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary for the Annual Meeting 

The Chair of the Board, Stephen James presented that the following people had been chosen as presidium (98,2%): Karin Pettersson as Chair of the Meeting, Chinedo Deborah Onwuta as Vice Chair of the Meeting and Cathrin Sjöström as Secretary of the Meeting. 

Stephen then handed the meeting over to the Presidium. 

§ 7 Election of Tellers, 

The Chair of the Meeting, Karin Pettersson, took over from Stephen and started with thanking everyone for trusting her to lead the Annual Meeting. 

She then referred to the report from the Summoner of the Tellers (whom had been presented earlier) and declared them the Congregation’s choice of Tellers with 98,2%. 

§ 8 Election of Adjusters, 

The Chair of the Meeting declared that the Congregation had chosen Sandra Håkansson and David Nyori, to be the Adjusters of the Minutes from this Annual Meeting (98,8%). 

§ 9 Annual Report, encl 2

Senior Pastor, Ulla Marie Gunner started with highlighting the Annual Report that had been sent out to all members via mail. It gives a good overview of the life of the Congregation. She hopes that all members have read and seen the new structure the publication has according to the Congregation’s focus areas. See Annual Report 2019, encl 2, page 6-18. She also reminded everyone that the Annual Report from Probitas can be ordered directly through them. 

A new business plan will be formulated and is planned to be taken on in the Annual Meeting in April 2021. Ulla Marie informed that instead of a Christmas Market there will be a Gift Market. 

Ulla Marie ended with asking the people present to stand up and she then named the people who had passed on during 2019 and said a prayer. 

The Chair thanked Ulla Marie and confirmed that the business plan would be added to the documents (98,8%).  

§ 10 The Ministry Evaluation Committee, encl 3

The Chair reminded everyone on the report from the Ministry Evaluation Committee which was sent out in April with the documents for the Annual Meeting and presented that the task for the Ministry Evaluation Committee is to evaluate the ministry from four prioritized areas. 

Johan Sahlén, together with Jaques Lombard and Kim Skoglund have, according to the task and the by-laws, evaluated the ministry. Johan presented that the Committee have based this on the business plan and have put a particular focus on: 

  • The ministries Fellowship Councils and their work
  • The work of the Board
  • Prerequisites to carry out the business plan 
  • How the by-laws and constitution have been followed 

The committee have presented their findings in the report. They also raise a few other points. View the report for more information. 

The Chair thanked them and confirmed the Congregation’s decision to add the Ministry Evaluation Committees report to the documents (98,8%). 

§ 11 Administrative report and Profit and Loss Balance Sheet, encl 2

Mats Engen, Admin Director, informed on a point that is not in the Annual Report. A testament with the desire to grant Missionskyrkan 482SEK. This should have been part in the Annual Report as a profit and a loss. The point does not affect the result for the Congregation and the testament has been sent on to Missionskyrkan. For more numbers, view the printed publication of the Annual Report for 2019, encl 2 page 26-52.

A question was sent to the Presidium in the Annual Meeting if it is possible to add this point to the agenda even though it has been informed that the point is missing from the Annual Report. The accountant, Martin Nääs answered that according to the Accountant’s assessment, even if this point is missing in the Annual Report does not show a faulty result. They therefor declare that the voting is valid. 

The Chair thanked and confirmed the Congregation’s decision to add the Administrative report and Profit and Loss Balance Sheet of 2019 to the documents (98,5%). 

§ 12 The Accountant’s Audit Report, encl 2

Martin Nääs who is an authorized Accountant at PwC, introduced himself for the first time for the Congregation. Along with the authorized Accountants Jonas Grahn and Christina Gotting, Martin has done and audit for 2019 of Immanuel Church with the concern. 

The audit shows that finances and the books look good and Martin mentioned that he has had a good dialogue with the staff involved in this work. In detail, they have audited internal control, administration and bookkeeping as well as the annual report and the concern report. They have also audited the rules and regulations as well as the work the Board have been doing and have found that good routines are in place. The accountants have viewed the principles of accounting and have found that they are being used correctly. 

The summary of the audit can be found in their audit report which is clean. View the Annual Report, encl 2, page 53-54. Martin ended with reading the statements that the accountants have made. View the Annual Report, encl 2, page 54-55 for more information. 

The Chair of the meeting thanked Martin and confirmed the Congregation’s decision to add the Audit Report to the documents (98,2%). 

§ 13 Determining of the audit for 2019 as well as a Profit and Loss Balance per December 31st 2019

As no further questions had been received regarding finances the Chair of the Meeting confirmed the Congregation’s decision to determine the Immanuel Congregation’s and the Concern’s audit for 2019 as well as the Profit and Loss Balance per the 31st of December 2019 (98,5%). 

§ 14 Freedom from responsibility for the Congregational Board for the 2019 administration 

The Chair of the meeting confirmed the Congregation’s decision to approve freedom from responsibility for the Congregational Board for the 2019 administration (98,2%). 

§ 15 Election of the Chair of the Board for a year, encl 4 

Karin Sandström, Chair of this year’s joint Ministry Evaluation Committee, presented the structure for the year. Every ministry group have had their own council and their Chair of the Council have been part of the joint committee where Karin has been the Chair of the Board. 

Karin focused on describing the work of the Ministry Evaluation Committee and view of the Board. The Ministry Evaluation Committee views the Board as a team who work together and that they shall have the possibility to lead a multi-faceted Congregation. The Board Members need to have big support in the Congregation, they need to have contact with the Congregation to be able to take in their thoughts and feelings. Some capabilities are needed too, for example communication, finances, strategic work as well as HR. The Congregational Board need to have continuity and at the same time bring renewal. 

The Ministry Evaluation Committee finds that the current Board work well and have therefore suggested a re-election for all available Board Members. One Board Member has chosen not to be in the running for re-election and the Ministry Evaluation Committee have therefore been seeking a new candidate. The new candidate is Cecilia Mjönes. 

Cecilia was welcomed to come forward. She thanked for being chosen by the Ministry Evaluation Committee and introduced herself. She has grown up within the Congregation and has deep ties to the church. Especially in the Congregation’s music- and choir ativities. Cecilia concluded with expressing her gratitude to belong to a Congregation that makes her feel at home. See more in encl 4 page 14-15. 

Karin Sandström then thanked everyone who are engaged in and who dedicate themselves to the Congregation’s committees, groups and councils. In the document with the Ministry Evaluation Committees suggestions you can view all other names, although with a few changes due to that some people have chosen to not continue since the brochure was printed in March. Karin ended with wishing everyone with God’s blessing and wished everyone good luck for the new year, 2020/2021. 

The Chair of the Meeting confirmed the Congregation’s decision to re-elect Stephen James as the Chair of the Board until the next annual meeting in 2021 (98,2%). 

§ 16 Election of Board members, encl 4 

Up until the Annual Meeting of 2021 Peter Dobers, Emma Darelid, Claes Jonsson, Evado Arfs, Lynda Eneh and Barbro Ericsson will continue as Board Members. 

The Chair of the Meeting confirmed the Congregation’s decision to elect the following members as Board Members (99,1%): 

Cecilia Mjönes new election 2 years

Mats Bernö re-election 2 years

Hans-Olof Hagén re-election 2 years

Roelof Hansman re-election 2 years

Gunilla Hjelmåker re-election 2 years 

Ingrid Östlund re-election 2 years 

§ 17 Election of two Permanent Accountants and two Substitute Accountants, encl 5

The Chair of the Meeting confirmed the Congregation’s decision that Permanent Accountants will be Martin Nääs and Christina Gotting and that the Substitute Accountants will be Susanne Westman and Tobias Ejeby (99,1%). 

§ 18 Election of the Nominating Committee, encl 5

The Chair of the Meeting confirmed the Congregation’s decision that Johan Sahlén (as the summoner), and Chinedo Deborah Onwuta and Kim Skoglund (99,1%) will be in the Nominating Committee. 

§ 19 Election of members in the three Ministry Councils, encl 5

The Chair of the Meeting confirmed the Congregation’s decision that for the three Ministry Councils to go with the suggestion from the Ministry Evaluation Committee. As Chair of the Councils in each ministry Jonas Gustafsson, Deryck Chetram and Joeng-Mi Koo Jensen were chosen for a year each (98,2%). For the remaining members of the councils view encl 5. 

§ 20 Election of members of other functions, encl 5

The Chair of the Meeting confirmed the Congregation’s decision to for other elected volunteers and leaders to go with the suggestion from the Ministry Evaluation committee (98,2%). View encl 5 for more information. 

§ 21 Election of Nominating committee for the Ministry Evaluation Committee for the annual meeting in 2021

The Chair of the Meeting confirmed the Congregation’s decision that for the Nominating Committee with the task to suggest a Ministry Evaluation Committee for 2021, to choose Karin Pettersson (summoner), Mi-Kyung Park, Young-Soon Park Vikström, Jonas Gustafsson, Samuel Åsgård, Deryck Chetram and Ruby Bleppony (98,5%). 

§ 22 Information on Immanuel Senior, encl 6 

The Chair of Immanuel Senior Rchel Norborg Jerkeby had sent in a report which was presented by Board Member Ingrid Östlund. In the report a big thanks goes out to the Congregation for the many activities and the wide range of activities that Immanuel Senior have been able to have during 2019. Due to the current pandemic all activities have been cancelled but they look forward to being able to start with walks soon. In the Annual Report, encl 2, page 56-57 you can view the Profit- and Loss Balance report for Immanuel Senior. 

§ 23 Information on Equmenia Immanuel Stockholm (EIS), encl 7

The Board for Equmenia Immanuel Stockholm (EIS) have sent in a report that was presented by Malin Emmoth. The Board expresses difficulties to operate and recruit members as well as Board Members. They also feel that there is an unclear mandate and authorization in the Congregation. This is why the Board of EIS will suggest that the association will be put on hold and that the responsibility for Immanuel Church child- and Youth programs should be placed on the Congregation and their Board until new Board Members will pick up where the current Board have left off. 

§ 24 Farwell and thank you to Board Members who have decided to step down, as well as other thanks 

The Chair of the Board Stephen James thanked Malin Emmoth, who has decided to step down from Board Member duties, with flowers and kind words, for her dedication and years in the Congregational Board. Malin thanked everyone for the trust they have had in her and described the work in the Congregational Board as inspiring, knowledgeable, and rewarding. 

Stephen thanked everyone who had participated in the meeting, for encouraging comments that had been emailed in, for everyone who had spoken, for the Presidium and for those who have made the meeting and the broadcast possible. 

He ended with a special thank you to the staff and the councils for all their work that they have done during this challenging year and emphasized that the Board need to continue to be more visible, despite the restrictions the pandemic brings. 

§ 25 Conclusion 

Senior Pastor Ulla Marie Gunner ended with a prayer that the Congregation will be lead in these new times, to live and to be able to feel the love of God during that which is going on around us. 

The Chair of the Meeting declared the Annual Meeting of 2020 closed. 

Secretary of meeting:
Cathrin Sjöström, Secretary 

Karin Pettersson, Chair of the Meeting 
Chinedo Deborah Onwuta, Vice Chair of the Meeting 
Sandra Håkansson
David Nyori